Thursday, May 21, 2009


Based on discussions held by the Gilmer County Board of Commissioners (BOC), in a workshop held on May 19, 2009, it appears that plans for the expansion and renovation of the Gilmer County Detention Center will be “shelved” in favor of a less aggressive plan. Originally, the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) called for a new water line to the jail, a 24 bed addition along with new visitation rooms, a new sally port, additions to the medical facilities, an evidence room as well as other renovations and additions. Total estimated costs of the expansion and renovations were $6,000,000.00, according to the January 2008 amended CIP budget. Thus far $439,319.08 has been expended for the new water line and $360,777.03 was paid to the Facilities Group, Inc. for architectural plans for the jail renovation and expansion.

Discussions in the May 19th workshop indicated that the BOC was in agreement to “scrap” the Facilities Group plans and requested that JKH Architects provide an estimate for plans that would delete the 24 bed expansion and relocate the sally port to a location that does not require major site preparation. Sheriff Nicholson indicated that the evidence room was no longer needed as adequate secure facilities were available in the old bank building (now owned by the County) on the square by the new courthouse. Current plans now call for the Sheriff’s Criminal Investigation Division to occupy that space. The Sheriff indicated that there are three vaults in the “bank building” that will function as a secured evidence facility.

Please note that no vote was taken on these matters in the workshop so official action will come at a later date. Until official action is taken the plans can always change again.

1 comment:

  1. I thought the Capital Improvement Plan was approved by the voters as a part of the bond issue referendum. Am I wrong? If not, how can three citizens (the BOC) counter the will of the voters? I can understand deleting the evidence room, since subsequent events have rendered it redundant. But the added beds and the sally port? How does the Sheriff feel about scrapping them?


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